Everybody has been watching the Connecticut senate race as Senator Joseph I. Lieberman (D-CT) was defeated by challenger and anti-war candidate Ned Lamont for the Democratic nomination. I was a supporter of Mr. Lieberman in the primary because I feel I am more moderate, and think we should have conservative voices in the Democratic Party. However, since Lieberman was defeated by Ned Lamont, and he is the nominee, I support Mr. Lamont because I support the Democratic Party. Mr. Lamont is not a bad candidate and I believe in what he stands for. He stands for standing up to President Bush and changing course in Iraq by bringing the troops home. I do not believe in bringing the troops home right away, but I think having the debate makes it an issue, rather than something that this congress just ignores. We need to do something with Iraq rather than just stay the course. I think that Mr. Lamont could be a voice in this.
I do not respect Mr. Lieberman's decision to run as an "Independent Democrat." He should have respected Mr. Lamont's victory and dropped out. He is just trying to hang onto a broken campaign for Senate. Mr. Lamont won, get over it. Ned Lamont is a good man, with a good heart. I think Mr. Lieberman should be loyal to the democratic process and bow out of the race. Lieberman is on an ego trip that is fueled by his belief that people still believe in him. If his own party has said no, than what other support will he get? I respect Mr. Lieberman and think he should quit while he is ahead and leave as people should remember him as a good man and senator who stuck to his convictions. If he stays on with this race, he will be remembered as an egotistical sore looser.
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