Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Get Your Priorities Straight

I love this country first off, and I can't stand this government sitting by and debating pointless issues. Last week the Senate debated a bill involving abortion, when there are a host of issues facing this country that are more dire than abortion, gay marriage, and flag burning. We need to get our priorities straight for example STOP DEBATING ISSUES THAT ARE NOT IMMEDIATELY SERIOUS!!! We need to focus first off on getting rid of the deficit, because when we do this everything becomes easier to fix. How do we get rid of the deficit, we get rid of tax cuts for the wealthiest one percent of Americans, and get rid of pork barrelling and wasteful spending. Second we need to focus on the growing gap between the middle class and the upper class. As the upper class becomes more influential in this country the more less powerful the middle class become. The middle class is the biggest part of this country and it is shrinking. The middle class's voice is becoming more and more distant and average Americans are becoming less involved in this government. Why? This government is not listening to us, they are listening to what the polls show them, that sensational issues such as gay marriage, abortion, and flag burning divide this nation into two wedges that drive this nation to hate each other. If we focus on things like making our economy stronger, we can make our country stronger. We also need to be focusing on education also. We need to focus on getting off foreign oil and having a better approach to this war and our foreign policy. We need to focus on a host of issues ranging from obessity, disease research, the environment, global warming to tax cuts for middle class Americans, helping the poor, and raising the minimum wage. Let's get our priorities straight and stop talking about non issues. Lets fix this nation before we start talking about other issues.

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