Today, I would like to take a brake from my usual rants about Republicans and offer thoughts what I believe could be the greatest silent issue that we face. Today, we have an attitude, all of us, Democrat, Republican, and Independent, that it's everyone for themselves. No longer do we look out for our fellow man. Gone are the days of I am my brother or sister's "keeper." If someone is suffering we do not help him. If someone is struggling, we say "tough luck" and walk away. We only look out for ourselves and no one else. Some would say its enough work to look after yourself, but I believe strongly in what America used to stand for. We used to be a nation of compassion, of lending a helping hand, and of looking out for our neighbors. Take for example one of the worst times in American history the 1930's. There was the Great Depression and the loom of war from fascists. However, our president, Franklin D. Roosevelt called on our nation to stand up and fight back against these things. He kept an optimistic outlook and said the famous words, "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." He lead us to the greatest American recovery ever. However, today, we fear doing anything about major issues, such as healthcare, Iraq, the environment, and poverty. We think that it is too hard to deal with these things. We don't feel the obligation we used to, to help others. We can face these things head on, by uniting and keeping our head held high, and fighting for change.
Why lay down our sword when the fighting gets tough? Why stop now? There are millions suffering and I feel if I stop, I will be turning my back on my fellow man. We need to stop being selfish. There are millions of people who aren't in the position to help themselves, and it is time we step up as a nation. Do we want to be remembered as a thug nation that bullies people or a compassionate nation that helps others and takes good care of it's citizens. There are people out there who are selfless, who fight the good fight. Firefighters, police officers, the men and women of our armed forces, veterans, and volunteers across our country. They step up without asking. Today I ask my fellow Americans to join in this fight for our nations future. Although, what lies ahead might seem tough, and scary, remember what FDR said. We can do this, if we unite. Divided we fall, united we will stand. If we don't compromise, if we don't work together, and reach across the barrier of politics and race and culture, then we will never succeed. I say this today not to call anyone out. We have all failed America, but we have look forward to the future. Lets keep our government accountable and lets fight for open government. Lets do something about Iraq. Lets stop poverty and insure every American. Lets fight those who say we can't. We shall overcome those who wish to hinder the awesome power of America and it's people. I love this country. This is why I say this today. The attitude of we are all on our own should be done. We are in this together. Remember it is the UNITED States.
Why lay down our sword when the fighting gets tough? Why stop now? There are millions suffering and I feel if I stop, I will be turning my back on my fellow man. We need to stop being selfish. There are millions of people who aren't in the position to help themselves, and it is time we step up as a nation. Do we want to be remembered as a thug nation that bullies people or a compassionate nation that helps others and takes good care of it's citizens. There are people out there who are selfless, who fight the good fight. Firefighters, police officers, the men and women of our armed forces, veterans, and volunteers across our country. They step up without asking. Today I ask my fellow Americans to join in this fight for our nations future. Although, what lies ahead might seem tough, and scary, remember what FDR said. We can do this, if we unite. Divided we fall, united we will stand. If we don't compromise, if we don't work together, and reach across the barrier of politics and race and culture, then we will never succeed. I say this today not to call anyone out. We have all failed America, but we have look forward to the future. Lets keep our government accountable and lets fight for open government. Lets do something about Iraq. Lets stop poverty and insure every American. Lets fight those who say we can't. We shall overcome those who wish to hinder the awesome power of America and it's people. I love this country. This is why I say this today. The attitude of we are all on our own should be done. We are in this together. Remember it is the UNITED States.
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