For too long now our political process has been an area of society where the elite are more important. Our process has become something that only a few participate in. However, whose fault is this? How did we get here? The people are not to blame for this. Our elections have been the choice between two mediocre candidates. The phrase “the lesser of two evils” has become the most popular way to describe our elections. Our system is more about money and power then people and political ideas. Political consultants have tried to divide and wedge the voters apart. Politics has become taboo. Here is the cause of this problem. People do not participate in politics and the political process because politics and politicians have become less in touch with people and have lost the true meaning of America.
Our government today is more interested in things that help their rich donors than the issues that matter in this country. They have in the past couple of years; proposed tax cuts for the wealthy, tax cuts for oil companies, and allowed loose business ethics laws. However, they have (in the past) refused to raise the minimum wage and give tax cuts to the middle class to strengthen the economy. They have refused to improve our healthcare and public school systems. All on loose arguments. Moreover, because of this, voter percentages have dropped to all time lows. In 2000, and 2004 under half of registered voters voted. In 1960 about 60% voted. Voters no longer trust politicians therefore; they have no incentive to vote. Moreover, the politicians of our country have ignored the issues that affect real people. Politics has been lost from national discussions.
Candidates for various offices in these nations are no longer guided by a sense of public service. They rely on polls and money to dictate they actions. Our system is no longer regarded as prestigious as it was. Our system doesn’t work for us. Those who participate in politics and politicians were once regarded as high in society. They were looked up to and respected. Now, politics is considered a dirty business. People who enter politics seem to be slimy and dishonest. As a result, people do not choose politics as a career, but instead they avoid it like a bad cold. The word “Washington” has become synonymous with corruption. People regard politicians as the worst kind of people. It doesn’t matter how much good politicians do, they are almost always considered deceitful. This is a result of many political leaders who have deceived the public and have taken advantage of our system. Many public officials have made a mockery of the office they hold. Therefore, it seems impossible to rebuild the tainted image of politics. People no longer trust authority. They feel they will just be hurt again, because of the actions of past leaders.
Today, elections, politics, and the American democracy has become about wedge issues, dividing America in two, pitting one against another. Our system used to be about an honest and open discussion of the issues and about making the lives of people better. g Although politicians try to imitate, the people know they are insincere. Since our leaders have treated their offices with such disrespect, the people have become political cynics who cringe when the word “politics” is said. Public service and democracy no longer has the meaning it used to. People do not want to hear what politicians have to say. People just don’t care anymore. They have given up on our public servants. This is because our public servants no longer care about us, and this is evident through the pork barrel spending and sloppy legislation that has come through in the past years. Political participation is at an all time low. People do not read the newspaper or watch the news, as much as they used too. People no longer have taken an interest in our nation’s leaders.
Our political system is something that is extremely important. However, our leaders have made a mockery of it. They have turned our nation’s government into a place to advocate for thing they believe is important, not what the people think is important. They think with their wallet, not a sense of public service and patriotism. People often run for office as a means to make money for themselves and corporate interests. Politicians believe in what’s best for them, not best for the people. Now, the American people are disenchanted with political leaders. Politics is taboo. Politicians are thought if as slimy, dishonest, and insincere. Government is a line of business that is regarded as dirty. People no longer go into politics for the right reasons. Our system doesn’t work for us. As a result, our people do not take part in the political process and vote. People don’t exercise their civic duty. People do not write their congressman, call their senator, or volunteer for campaigns because they believe that government doesn’t work for them.
Our government today is more interested in things that help their rich donors than the issues that matter in this country. They have in the past couple of years; proposed tax cuts for the wealthy, tax cuts for oil companies, and allowed loose business ethics laws. However, they have (in the past) refused to raise the minimum wage and give tax cuts to the middle class to strengthen the economy. They have refused to improve our healthcare and public school systems. All on loose arguments. Moreover, because of this, voter percentages have dropped to all time lows. In 2000, and 2004 under half of registered voters voted. In 1960 about 60% voted. Voters no longer trust politicians therefore; they have no incentive to vote. Moreover, the politicians of our country have ignored the issues that affect real people. Politics has been lost from national discussions.
Candidates for various offices in these nations are no longer guided by a sense of public service. They rely on polls and money to dictate they actions. Our system is no longer regarded as prestigious as it was. Our system doesn’t work for us. Those who participate in politics and politicians were once regarded as high in society. They were looked up to and respected. Now, politics is considered a dirty business. People who enter politics seem to be slimy and dishonest. As a result, people do not choose politics as a career, but instead they avoid it like a bad cold. The word “Washington” has become synonymous with corruption. People regard politicians as the worst kind of people. It doesn’t matter how much good politicians do, they are almost always considered deceitful. This is a result of many political leaders who have deceived the public and have taken advantage of our system. Many public officials have made a mockery of the office they hold. Therefore, it seems impossible to rebuild the tainted image of politics. People no longer trust authority. They feel they will just be hurt again, because of the actions of past leaders.
Today, elections, politics, and the American democracy has become about wedge issues, dividing America in two, pitting one against another. Our system used to be about an honest and open discussion of the issues and about making the lives of people better. g Although politicians try to imitate, the people know they are insincere. Since our leaders have treated their offices with such disrespect, the people have become political cynics who cringe when the word “politics” is said. Public service and democracy no longer has the meaning it used to. People do not want to hear what politicians have to say. People just don’t care anymore. They have given up on our public servants. This is because our public servants no longer care about us, and this is evident through the pork barrel spending and sloppy legislation that has come through in the past years. Political participation is at an all time low. People do not read the newspaper or watch the news, as much as they used too. People no longer have taken an interest in our nation’s leaders.
Our political system is something that is extremely important. However, our leaders have made a mockery of it. They have turned our nation’s government into a place to advocate for thing they believe is important, not what the people think is important. They think with their wallet, not a sense of public service and patriotism. People often run for office as a means to make money for themselves and corporate interests. Politicians believe in what’s best for them, not best for the people. Now, the American people are disenchanted with political leaders. Politics is taboo. Politicians are thought if as slimy, dishonest, and insincere. Government is a line of business that is regarded as dirty. People no longer go into politics for the right reasons. Our system doesn’t work for us. As a result, our people do not take part in the political process and vote. People don’t exercise their civic duty. People do not write their congressman, call their senator, or volunteer for campaigns because they believe that government doesn’t work for them.
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