We have been in Iraq for about 4 years now, and since that time over 3500 young men and women have given their lives for this pointless war. We have spent billions on this war, and essential social programs in the United States have been crippled. In Delaware alone, we could build dozens of new schools, give health insurance to thousands of Delawareans, and provide affordable housing units to Delaware's lower income citizens, with the money we alone have spent on this war. These are vital issues. However, our Congressman, Michael Castle has continued to be a rubber stamp for this administration. Congressman Castle, you are either with the people of Delaware (70% oppose the war) or you are with President Bush. If you chose the second one, you are out of here. I am sick and tired of Mike Castle's indecisiveness and him putting his finger to the wind. He has failed us time after time after time after time. Thank God, we have Joe Biden being one of the greatest voices against President Bush's stupid surge.
It's time for Mike Castle to go. We can't afford for him to be another rubber stamp for this administration. Mike Castle can be a moderate voice to end the war. However, he seems to be lock step with this president. When asked he said he "couldn't make up his mind" on what was best. Your constituents are calling on you to end this war, 70 percent in fact. Take a hint Mike. He doesn't get it. He can't end this war, because he is a loyal Republican. He has failed this state, this country, and the world as a whole. He doesn't have the judgment to lead anymore. I say, someone qualified run and beat this guy. I can't understand why we elect him. He hasn't done one thing for this state. Oh, wait, I think I am being unfair, he got the national state quarter thing up and going. Way to go Mike! Now, channel that energy into ending the Iraq War. Or are you to busy waiting for the Alaska quarter to come out. Take that quarter to buy an one way ticket out of town, and don't let the door hit you on the way out. For a guy who has been in congress for over a decade, a quarter program isn't a lot to show. Be the man you should be and vote against this president or we will beat you.
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