George W. Bush said this week that he would veto any Iraq War spending bill that contained a timetable and criticized the Democratic Party or as he likes to say the "Democrat" Party for "playing politics" with war funding. Well, Mr. President obviously your new to reality, so let me refresh your memory. There was this event that we Americans like to call an election in 2006 and the party that overwhelmingly won was the Democratic Party. We won because we said we would bring an end to this war. We are doing exactly what we were elected to do. So, my hat goes off to Senator Harry Reid and Speaker Nancy Pelosi to keeping their promise to the American people. Last week, a bill passed in the U.S. House and Senate that was a spending bill but it also contained a timetable that would call for America to start withdrawing troops in 2008. This bill sums up the overwhelming public opinion of nearly 65 or more percent of our population. So, Mr. President, if you veto this bill, you will be vetoing the OVERWHELMING belief of the United States that this war must end. Wake up and see with don't stand with you. We want an end to this war. There is a difference Mr. Bush to being like President Truman and making the right decisions that weren't popular and totally and utterly screwing up and creating the worst foreign policy blunder in American history. There is one big difference between President Bush and President Truman: Truman was a man whose leadership in the long run helped this country, he was smart. Mr. Bush what you are doing ceases to amaze me. You have overstepped the realm of political sanity and have gone nuts. I can no longer hold in my feelings and allow this president to disgrace this land I love so much. Oh, yes and another thing: don’t question our patriotism. You Mr. Bush and you Mr. Cheney are traitors. You have disgraced your office. Therefore, you have to be pretty damn audacious to question the Democrat's patriotism. You might not say it explicitly but I know you think it. You have led America into a classic catch-22. So I just have one thing to say to the Republican Party: I will NEVER vote for ONE GOP candidate unless you change your way. How you have conducted yourself over the past years, shows me that you have no respect for democracy, no respect for the world, and I seriously question your motives. However, I do not question your patriotism. I believe you are a blind patriot. You rap yourself in the American flag and cut yourself off to the world. You think that supporting our president is more patriotic than exercising freedom of speech to protest him. And one more thing, before I step off my soapbox, this week Mr. Bush, you said that Nancy Pelosi's trip to Syria was a mistake and undermined U.S. foreign policy. However, what you fail to see is that what Nancy Pelosi is doing is new to you, it's called DIPLOMACY. She is sitting down with a government we don't agree with and is trying to help our country. Any good solider will tell you, you have to talk to your enemies. We must exercise diplomacy. So, Madame Speaker I applaud you. So, the next time you Republican's open your mouth, remember this: the Democrats are for people. We are doing this because we were voted in office to do so. We are going to fix this country. And to America, don't vote Republican in 2008; they still haven't learned their lesson.
This can also be seen on www.ydmovement.org
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