The War in Iraq is the worst foreign policy blunder in American history. The American death toll is well over 3000. Innocent Iraqi
death tolls are in the 10,000s and climbing. There is more violence today then there was when Saddam Hussein was in power. George W. Bush has advocated a reckless policy of “stay the course” for 3 years and has furthered American debt. Now, George W. Bush is proposing a surge of more than 20,000 troops to Iraq. This policy, like previous policies, comes too late. We should have gone in with more troops when we invaded Iraq. In terms of foreign policy, you cannot make up for your mistakes this late in the game. Bush should’ve admitted failure earlier, and taken action then. This surge is irresponsible, reckless, and sloppy. It seems to be a “quick fix.” Bush hasn’t thought this out and has ignored the recommendations of more experienced and better foreign policy experts. James Baker and Lee Hamilton are arguably some of the best foreign policy experts in the nation. Both have held important positions. Jim Baker was President Bush Sr.’s secretary of state and Lee Hamilton is a former congressman (D-IN) and former co-chairman of the 9/11 Commission. This, past year they headed the Iraq Study Group, which recommends several courses of action to find a peaceful solution to Iraq. Bush has ignored every one. Moreover, he has ignored the recommendations of the chairman of the foreign relation committee and senator from Delaware for the past 32 years, Joe Biden. Biden proposed cutting Iraq into 3 states for the 3 religious groups in Iraq fighting each other. However, President Bush would rather take the advice of those were wrong from the start. He wants to lengthen and escalate the war for a cause that has already been lost. What this nation needs to do is reject this reckless course of action. Write your congressman and senators. Say you oppose this irresponsible course of action and this surge. We must support a phased withdrawal plan that would put pressure on the Iraqi government to take action and stand up for their country. We cannot escalate this war. We cannot continue this violence. We must end this war as soon as possible and start rebuilding the little international credibility we have left.
Good stuff, Read.
I miss the 90s (post-Bush, of course), when America had a comparatively outstanding PR record.
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